William Turnpenny - Abt 1740
Thomas 1780
Thomas Henry
b 1803 St. Pancras
Sarah Baker
b1808 - Marriage 1827
Anne Sarah Barker
b 1838 - Marriage 1856
Thomas Henry
b 1829
Mary Ann Bavin
Marriage 1849
Died 1850
Thomas Henry
b 1850
Henrietta Mira Saward
b 1841
Marriage 1886
Charlotte Shepherd
Marriage 1863
Henry Thomas
b 1864
Henry William
b 1838
John William
b 1840
William Henry Tomothy
b 1845
Walter Daniel
Talbot b1849
Thomas Henry 1829 was convicted for committing bigamy by marrying Charlotte whilst Sarah was still alive. He was sentenced to 12 months in 1864.
Walter Daniel Talbot Turnpenny
Sketched for the News of the World in 1894
Jemima Prince
b 1841
Committed Suicide in 1889
Jane Elizabeth Brown
b 1850 - Marriage 1873
Emma Faithful
Mistress 1888 - 1893
Edith Maud Faulkner
Mistress 1888 -1893
Mabel Nellie Taylor
b 1875
Marriage 1893
Divorced 1894
Mary Johnson
Mistress 1888 - 1893
Three Sons
Two Children
One Son 1900
Daughter 1894
Walter Daniel Talbot Turnpenny 1849
Known to his lady friends as
"Walter Westbrook"
In his Button & Braid business he had by reports been very successful but his downfall was obviously his mistress`s who he had promised to marry. He went to prison for three years for breach of promise and various other offences.All the women sued for compensation which brought him to bankruptcy.

The Judge said "This was the worst case he had ever heard of a prisoner debaunching women wholesale"
Ann Sarah Barker
Marriage 1856
They got back together for a short time after the divorce
The Turnpenny`s, Talbots and Wise families were all very close due to three sisters. Sarah Baker born 1808 married Thomas Henry Turnpenny - Ann Baker b1799 married William Wise - Elizabeth Baker born1794 married Daniel Talbot.
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Turnpenny web site - Updated May 2016
Tree No 5 - William Turnpenny abt. 1760 Birmingham
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I have details of descendants for most legs of this tree.